# .cshrc (csh auto-parse script) -- parsed by csh or tcsh on startup # NOTE: /etc/csh.cshrc is parsed first if ($tty != "") then ## set implicitcd = verbose # -- command history -- # avoid re-entering the previous command to the history set histdup=prev set history=1500 ## set savehist = (150 merge) # -- directory stack -- ## set savedirs # == terminal & interactive tests == if ($?TERM) then # enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases if ("$TERM" != "dumb") then alias ls 'ls --color=auto' set color # do the same for ls-F endif # test for an interactive session if ($?prompt) then set fignore = ( \~ .o .class .pyc .bak ) endif endif endif # -- run additional commands in include files -- if (! $?OS_BASE) setenv OS_BASE $OS foreach inc_file (~/.init/shellrc.$OS_BASE.d/*.csh) source $inc_file end foreach inc_file (~/.init/shellrc.d/*.csh) source $inc_file end if ($?tcsh && "`find ~/.init/shellrc.d -follow -maxdepth 1 -name \*.tcsh`" != "") then foreach inc_file (~/.init/shellrc.d/*.tcsh) source $inc_file end endif