# .lesskey (lesskey source file) -- processed to produce macros for less # # See Makefile (run `make .less`) #command ^X^F examine # F1 \eOP prev-file \e[[A prev-file # F2 \eOQ next-file \e[[B next-file # F3 (this is the View command in mc, so acts like a quick toggle) \eOR quit \e[[C quit ## index-file # \eO1;5S remove-file # F5 \e[15~ forw-search # S-F5 \e[15;2~ back-search # C-F5 \e[15;5~ repeat-search # C-S-F5 \e[15;6~ reverse-search ^_ forw-search [\136][{};:'",.<>/?a-zA-Z!@\#$%\136&*()_+|0-9\\=`~\040\011-]\n # F6 \e[17~ prev-tag # F7 \e[18~ next-tag # F8: wrap toggle \e[19~ toggle-option S # C-F8: search case-sensitivity toggle \e[19;5~ toggle-option i # C-S-F8: search highlight toggle \e[19;6~ toggle-option G # S-F8: skip visible searches toggle \e[19;2~ toggle-option a # F9 \e[20~ shell make\n # F10 \e[21~ undo-hilite # : show line numbers \e[21;5~ toggle-option n # : show line numbers inline \e[21;2~ toggle-option N ## # F11: printable toggle ## \e[23~ toggle-option r # F11: ANSI toggle \e[23~ toggle-option R #line-edit ^A home ^E end # F6 \e[17~ back-complete # F7 \e[18~ forw-complete \e[1;5D word-left \e[1;5C word-right ^D delete \ed word-delete ^W word-backspace #env # vim: set tabstop=4 : # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4 # end: