" Run ":runtime syntax/hitest.vim" to see all current groups " Run ":runtime syntax/colortest.vim" to see examples of 16 colours " Visit http://pln.jonas.me/xterm-colors for all 256 colours and similar X ones highlight Comment term=bold ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=#00bb00 " #87afff. A bit darker than LightBlue. highlight helpExample term=reverse ctermfg=111 guifg=SkyBlue2 " #444444. A fair bit darker than DarkGray. highlight Ignore ctermfg=238 guifg=Grey27 "# :highlight link cComment Question " Break the link to Identifier highlight Function term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=14 "# highlight Identifier term=bold ctermfg=150 guifg=DarkSeaGreen3 highlight Identifier term=bold ctermfg=156 guifg=PaleGreen1 highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=156 guibg=PaleGreen1